Luminous Antonio has received the great honor of having her paintings chosen for the Florence Biennale in Florence, Italy October 14-22, 2023.

About Luminous

I approach my art the same way I approach my life.  I keep an open mind, put one foot in front of the other, and allow the process to unfold.  The blank canvas offers unlimited possibilities and potential which I mine to the fullest.  I have always loved the many levels/layers of experience in life and in painting and exposing as much of that as I can.  


New Work

  • Catherine W.

    As a seasoned painter, Luminous can choose and paint any subject that appeals to her.  I am now watching as she moves into a more abstract expression and I am excited by what I am seeing her create.  There is a wall in my home waiting for just the right piece from her.

  • Rose W.

    I watched Luminous create for years. Lately she installed several paintings in a newly purchased property and I was amazed when I saw them on the walls.  I am in the process of building a new home and I plan to have at least one special piece from her – maybe a commissioned piece!

  • Nancy B.

    ​The multi-dimensional quality of the paintings always draws me in.  I know there is so much going on beneath and behind the paintings – somehow the passage of time and the great unknowns about our distant past is present.  I love the mystery and magic.

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