The paintings by Luminous have an inner life all their own.  She has created her own signature language in the same way that you know a Van Gogh or a Picasso, even if you’ve never seen that particular painting before.  There’s a mystical, mythical quality to the works by Luminous and a beauty and depth of composition that keeps you wanting to explore and live with them for a while. I purchased three paintings from Luminous and they are the pride of my collection.  I am definitely a big fan.

Peter S., Collector

I met Luminous at the San Francisco Art Institute in 1980 when we were both students.  Over the years I have seen a very unique and impressive body of work emerge.  Her influences seem to come from a deeply spiritual place within and her many travels to sacred sites around the world.  I am drawn in by the layers and depth she creates that pulse with life. Her new works seem yet another dimension expressing the richness of life itself.

Deanna P. Artist, Collector

I watched Luminous create for years. Lately she installed several paintings in a newly purchased property and I was amazed when I saw them on the walls.  I am in the process of building a new home and I plan to have at least one special piece from her – maybe a commissioned piece!

Rose W.

The multi-dimensional quality of the paintings always draws me in.  I know there is so much going on beneath and behind the paintings – somehow the passage of time and the great unknowns about our distant past is present.  I love the mystery and magic.

Nancy B.

As a seasoned painter, Luminous can choose and paint any subject that appeals to her.  I am now watching as she moves into a more abstract expression and I am excited by what I am seeing her create.  There is a wall in my home waiting for just the right piece from her.

Catherine W.